SamanTree Medical SA

SamanTree Medical has developed a breakthrough medical imaging modality that enables new medical procedures with the will to improve cancer treatment. The Histolog® Scanner is a CE mark product since 2016 for high resolution imaging of the surface of fresh tissue. It is based on a novel ultra-fast confocal microscopy technology invented in EPFL in 2010. This innovation finds its application along the patient journey, from biopsy taking to surgical diagnostics.
Primary Therapeutic Areas
1.5 Medical Technology
1.55 Hospital Hardware
1.56 Imaging
1.58 Monitoring technology
5.0 Medical Device & Parts
5.05 Hospital & Healthcare Equi.
5.07 Surgical Apparatus
Business model
1. Entreprise
1.2 Scale-Up
Organization Type
Private Company

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Rue de Genève 88 B
1004 Lausanne / VD
+41 21 625 09 40