What does BioAlps offer?

BioAlps, the Life Sciences cluster of Western Switzerland, offers a dynamic network, an innovative and supportive environment, and immediate access to the world of Life Sciences. It comprises an active and fertile ecosystem of research institutions, academic institutions, startup companies and large multinationals concentrated in a small, attractive geographic area with a great infrastructure.

Our aim is to promote Western Switzerland as a world class centre for Life Sciences innovations and to foster growth by creating synergies between academia, entrepreneurs, investors, authorities and new businesses. BioAlps offers a wide range of networking and support opportunities through regional, national or international BioAlps Events and many more Life Sciences Events in the region.

Launched in 2001 by the academic and research institutions of Western Switzerland and registered as an Association since 2003; BioAlps is also supported by the Cantons of Bern, Fribourg, Vaud, Neuchatel, Geneva, Valais, Jura and the Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO) since 2008.
Executive Committee

Pr. Antoine Geissbuhler
Committee Members
Prof. Dr. Christophe Allemann
Mr Denis Cavin
Prof. Dr. Yogeshvar Kalia
Ms Anne-Renée Leyvraz
Dr. Ana Pinto
Dr. Jean-Marc Leroux
Dr. Sacha Sidjanski
BioAlps Team

General Secretariat
Mrs. Magali Bischof
Muana Minkoué
Ms. Sandra Ansanay-Alex
BioAlps Members

There are seven cantonal members and twelve institutional members of BioAlps. Bern, Fribourg, Geneva, Jura, Neuchâtel, Valais, and Vaud are all members of BioAlps. In each cantonal administration, membership sits within the Department of Economy.
A delegate from each of the following institutions is nominated to participate in BioAlps.
BioAlps Awards

The BioAlps Award aims to honor a personality and an enterprise from the life sciences sector without whom western Switzerland would not have acquired its international reputation in this field.

Academic Award

2010 - Mr Philippe Renaud, EPFL
2011 - Mr Henry Markram, Mr Patrick Aebischer, EPFL
2012 - Mr Denis Duboule, UNIGE
2013 - Mr Mario El-Khoury, CSEM
2014 - Mr Ron Appel, SIB
2015 - Mr Robert Gurny, UNIGE
2016 - Mr Jean-Dominique Vassalli, UNIGE
2017 - Mr Luc Stoppini, HEPIA
2018 - Mr Benoît Dubuis, CAMPUS BIOTECH, WYSS CENTER
2019 - Mrs Nouria Hernandez, UNIL
2021 - Mr Didier Pittet, HUG & UNIGE
2022 - Prof. Jocelyne Bloch, Prof. G. Courtine, .NeuroRestore, CHUV, ONWARD
2023 - Prof. Hervé Bourlard, Idiap
2024 - Swiss Cancer Centre Léman (SCCL)
Industry Award

2008 - Mr Robert Kuster†, État de Genève
2009 - Mr Rolland-Yves Mauvernay† DEBIOPHARM SA
2010 - Mr Elmar Schnee & Mr Rudi Pauwels, BIOCARTIS SA
2011 - Mr Werner Bauer, NESTLE SA
2012 - Mr Roch Doliveux, UCB FARCHIM SA
2013 - Mrs Andrea Pfeiffer, AC IMMUNE SA
2014 - Mr Joachim E Uwe, CSL BEHRING AG
2015 - Mr Claude Giroux
Mr Thomas Geubeli, CELGENE International SA
2016 - Mr Andreas Brunner, LONZA AG
2017 - Mr Frédéric Zwahlen, VIFOR PHARMA (FR & GE)
2018 - Mr Didier Perrin, MEDTRONIC TOLOCHENAZ
2019 - Mrs Catherine Aung, FERRING PHARMACEUTICALS
2021 - Mr Jurgi Camblong, SOPHiA GENETICS
2022 - Mr Michael Morrissey, INCYTE
2023 - Dr Igor Fisch and Dr Nicolas Mermod, SELEXIS
2024 - Sébastien Bourgeois, TAKEDA
Media Center

You are an accredited journalist wishing to gain access to the wealth of knowledge within the BioAlps community to write an article about the cluster and its actors?
Or you wish to attend specific events with facilitated entry?
We may be able to assist you depending on applicable conditions. To learn more contact us directly.

Technology by Bilan
Press Articles
- Bilan - Webdoc - Life sciences, an international reputation - 2021
- Bilan - Nicolas Tièche tire la sonnette d'alarme - 2021
- Biopharma Reporter - Building a biotech hub: Switzerland puts the focus on personalized medicine, mRNA, CGT and more - 2021
- DDW - Why Switzerland continues to punch above its weight as global biotech hub - 2021
- Labiotech.eu - Top 15 Swiss biotech startups making a difference in Europe - 2021
- CERN - Connecting Life Sciences Innovators: Innovate in healthcare with CERN - 2021
- CCIG/BCG - Les sciences de la vie un secteur économique méconnu - 2020
- FII Institute - Healthcare Impact - 2020
- ChemieXtra - La chimie dans le domaine de la santé - 2020
- InVivo - Technologie médicale: cacophonie européenne - 2020
- Entreprise Romande - La Science Est Elle En Crise - 2020
- Agefi - L’industrie biopharmaceutique et chimique est un facteur de stabilité - 2020
- Le Temps - La réponse des sciences de la vie - 2020
- PME Magazine - Le Monde d'après - 2020
- Revue Compétence H+ - Interview du mois - 2020
- Webdoc Bilan - The Self Healing Body - 2019
- Agefi - D'avantage de dialogue pour anticiper l'avenir des professions de la santé - 2019
- Liberté - L'oncologie et la Suisse, une étroite collaboration - 2019
- Entreprise Romande - L'essor des sciences de la vie - 2019
- Agefi - Voyage vers le futur des métiers de santé - 2019
- S-GE Medtechs et Biotechs - 2018
- La Côte Hebdo Entreprises - 2018
- Post ILMAC Chemiextra - 2018
- ILMAC Chemiextra - 2018
- Agefi Point Fort - 2018
- Health Valley BioAlps - 2018
- Bilan Cancer CHUV - 2018
- Agefi BioAlps 2018
- Tribune de Genève - 2017
- Les Métiers de Demain - 2017
- Agefi Plateformes Sectorielles - 2017
- Science de la vie - Comment investir - 2016
- La Suisse, terrain fertile pour l'innovation - 2016
- Tribune de Genève - La pharma croit fortement au
"made in Switzerland" - 2014 - Tribune de Genève - Technologies médicales
en vedettes à Palexpo - 2014 - Swiss Pharma BNWD - 2014
- Le Temps - 2014
- Le Matin Dimanche - Accord entre Novartis et Google - 2014
- L'Agefi - 2014
- Invivo Magazine Health Valley - 2014
- L'Hebdo N°14 - 2014
- Device Med EPHJ - 2014
- Device Med - 2014
- Der Bund - 2014
- CCIG Info - 2014
- BMWi - Pressemitteilungen - 2014
- Bluewin Online News -2014
- Arcinfo - 2014
Photo Gallery


Discover all of our videos on our BioAlps YouTube channel.
BioAlps 4à6 series
In partnership with the Greater Geneva Bern area (GGBa) team, we are happy to present to you the video of our 4à6 series of events.
BioAlps’ 4à6 are organised in each of the 7 cantons of Western Switzerland and are a perfect opportunity to visit some of the major regional actors in the biotech, medtech, pharma and digital health fields.
4à6 de BioAlps | Bracco (GE)
4à6 de BioAlps | Takeda (NE)
4à6 de BioAlps | CSL Behring (BE)
4à6 de BioAlps | Testmate Health (VD)
BioAlps Networking Day 2022
Bilan interviewed four affiliated members of the BioAlps Association with regards to "Health & technologies in the Health Valley, the jobs of tomorrow".
The 4 videos were broadcasted during the BioAlps Networking Day that took place on 29 October 2019 in Monthey (VS).
BioAlps Networking Day 2022
On 24 November 2022, BioAlps hosted its annual BioAlps Networking Day in Neuchâtel. The Greater Geneva Bern area (GGBa) took this opportunity to interview the top speakers and experts from the “Health Valley” who highlighted the advantages of being a Life Sciences company in Western Switzerland.
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