Raumedic AG

Raumedic AG is a supplier to the medical engineering and pharmaceutical industries worldwide. The company is an active manufacturer of tubing, molded parts, catheters and modules for medical technology.
Primary Therapeutic Areas
1.5 Medical Technology
1.50 Anesthetic & Respiratory
1.55 Hospital Hardware
1.57 Implantology device
1.60 Opthalmology
1.65 Surgical Instr. & Robot
5.4 Precision Mechanics
5.40 Precision parts
5.5 Manufacturing
5.50 CMO Medtech
Business model
1. Entreprise
1.3 SME
Organization Type
Private Company

Visit website
Cardiovascular & Hematology, Musculoskeletal & Inflammation, Neurology, Ophtalomology, Respiratory
Main sector
Supplier & Engineering
Route du Petit-Moncor 1
1752 Villars-sur-Glâne / FR
078 616 23 70