Arkaiya receive support from FIT

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The Fondation for Innovation Technologique is announcing support for three new start-ups, among them, a Tech Seed loans worth CHF 100,000 to Arkaiya for its innovative nutrition system.
Over the last ten years, research into the microbiome has exploded because of its links with numerous diseases. The development of the microbiome, which takes place early in life, plays an essential role in the development of the immune system. In adults, this microbiome comprises around 90% bacteria, 0.1% yeasts and 10% archaea.
Neglected by research, archaea are the ‘guardians’ of the intestinal microbiome, maintaining beneficial bacteria while stopping pathogens. When they are present from the start of an individual’s life, via breastfeeding in particular, they induce an anti-inflammatory environment and help build the mucosal barrier that protects against infection. On the contrary, archaea deficiency early in life, in non-breastfed children, is an emerging health risk that potentially affects one in five infants (40% of infants suffer from colic, asthma and allergies).
Arkaiya has developed an innovative nutrition system that can diagnose and treat this archaea deficiency using postbiotics, especially during the first four years of life of non-breastfed children. The solution developed by Arkaiya is based on several pillars: companion diagnostics, functional ingredients for food, food supplements and a therapeutic pipeline.
With the CHF 100,000 Tech Seed loan from FIT, Arkaiya will cover the production costs of the archaea, additional analytical expenses and project management costs.
➡️ Source: FIT. 📸 Arkaiya.