Biosmart GmbH

Expertise in the development of plasmid standards. Biosmart GmbH uses external standards for the detection of GMOs, bacteria and viruses.
Design tailor-made standards for customers also suitable as calibrated references.
Primary Therapeutic Areas
1.0 Therapeutic & Diagnostic
1.2 R&D Services
1.20 Analytical & Diagnostic
1.28 Fill & Finish
2.1 Nutrition
2.11 Food
5.0 Medical Device & Parts
5.02 Consumables & Reagents
5.3 Laboratory
5.32 R&D Device
Business model
1. Entreprise
1.3 SME
Organization Type
Private Company

Visit website
Immunology & Allergy, Infectious Diseases
Main sector
Supplier & Engineering
Weihergasse 11
3005 Bern / BE
031 318 28 08