Check Your Health

Check Your Health is a consumer-health company transforming the way people engage with their health, offering at-home lab checkups.
Primary Therapeutic Areas
1.65 Surgical Instr. & Robot
3.3 m-Health
3.30 Medical Apps
3.4 Personalized Medicine
3.40 Diagnostic
3.41 Monitoring
5.0 Medical Device & Parts
5.05 Hospital & Healthcare Equi.
5.1 Distributor
5.12 Homecare
Business model
1. Entreprise
1.1 Start-Up
Organization Type
Private Company

Visit website
Cardiovascular & Hematology, Digital Health, Genetic Disease, Immunology & Allergy, Infectious Diseases, Toxicology
Main sector
Biotech, Digital Health, Medtech
Voie du Chariot 3
1003 Lausanne / VD
021 560 55 43