Novigenix SA

Precision medicine biotech providing a new understanding of the human host response to cancer therapy. Novigenix’s unique Immuno-Transcriptomic platform enables an accelerated identification of disease specific mRNA signatures of immune cells, which combined with machine learning and predictive algorithms provide new insights into onset and progression of disease.
Primary Therapeutic Areas
1.5 Medical Technology
1.52 Diagnostic & In-Vitro Device
3.1 e-Health
3.11 Medical data center & recording
3.2 Health IT
3.20 Big data & IoT
3.4 Personalized Medicine
3.41 Monitoring
Business model
1. Entreprise
1.2 Scale-Up
Organization Type
Private Company

Visit website
Immunology & Allergy, Oncology
Main sector
Biopôle IV, Route de la Corniche 3B
1066 Epalinges / VD
021 552 07 30