Pharmaplan AG

Consulting and engineering partners for the pharmaceutical industry.
Starts in the early stages of an investment project with feasibility studies and conceptual designs. Carries out EPCMV projects, offers consulting services and provides local on-site operational support.
Primary Therapeutic Areas
1.2 R&D Services
1.22 Biosystems (Biochips-BioMems)
1.23 Cell Culture
4.0 Consulting & Services
4.04 Infrastructure & Logistics
4.4 Other Services & Consulting
5.21 Instrumentation
5.3 Laboratory
5.4 Precision Mechanics
Business model
1. Entreprise
1.3 SME
Organization Type
Private Company

Visit website
All or unlisted Domain
Main sector
Services Providers & Consulting
Route des Châtaigniers, 27
1815 Clarens-Sur-Montreux / VD
+41 21 926 9700