Protaccine Biotec Sàrl

Protaccine Biotec Sàrl develops & produces quality anti-snake venom, other antisera-based products and thermostable vaccines & biologicals based on novel technologies.
This innovative Swiss Healthcare Company is passionate about saving lives by developing & producing quality Anti-snake venom, other antisera-based products and thermostable vaccines & biologicals based on novel technologies at affordable prices.
Protaccine is also a leading provider of consultancy services and turnkey solutions to the vaccine and biological industries all over the world.
Primary Therapeutic Areas
1.0 Therapeutic & Diagnostic
1.11 Vaccine
Business model
1. Entreprise
1.1 Start-Up
Organization Type
Private Company

Visit website
Immunology & Allergy, Neurology
Main sector
Place des Sciences 1
2822 Courroux / JU
+41 798535529