Senbiosys SA

Wearable Blood Pressure measurement using a new ultra-high performance chip measuring the Photoplethysmography (PPG) signal.
Next generation of PPG sensors enable the continuous tracking of key vital parameter and accelerate the growth of IoT for the health market.
Primary Therapeutic Areas
0. COVID-19
3.2 Health IT
3.20 Big data & IoT
3.23 Wearable device
3.3 m-Health
3.31 Quantified Self
3.4 Personalized Medicine
3.41 Monitoring
5.21 Instrumentation
Business model
1. Entreprise
1.1 Start-Up
Organization Type
Private Company

Visit website
Cardiovascular & Hematology, COVID-Areas, Neurology, Respiratory
Main sector
Digital Health
c/o Microcity, Rue de la Pierre-à-Mazel 39
2000 Neuchâtel / NE