Synaptive Medical

Gobal medical device and technology company solves surgical, imaging, and data challenges to improve the quality of human lives.
Synaptive’s integrated suite of products – bridging MRI, surgical planning, navigation, and robotic visualization – delivers novel information with automated efficiency across all stages of clinical intervention
Primary Therapeutic Areas
1.5 Medical Technology
1.52 Diagnostic & In-Vitro Device
1.55 Hospital Hardware
1.56 Imaging
1.58 Monitoring technology
1.59 Neuro stimulation technique
1.60 Opthalmology
1.61 Orthopaedic & Rehabilitation
1.62 Other Devices
1.65 Surgical Instr. & Robot
1.7 Other Medtech
Business model
1. Entreprise
1.2 Scale-Up
Organization Type
Private Company

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Batiment SC-A, Route de la Corniche 4
1066 Epalinges / VD