Volumina Medical

Spin-off from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL), Volumina Medical is developing highly innovative biomaterials for regenerative medicine. The solution address high unmet needs for the markets of reconstructive and plastic surgery. Volumina’s first product is AdipearlTM – a leading innovative biomaterial being developed to support the repair of soft tissues – initially targeting breast reconstruction after cancer surgery.
Primary Therapeutic Areas
1.5 Medical Technology
1.63 Regenerative therapy
5.0 Medical Device & Parts
5.00 Biomaterials
Business model
1. Entreprise
1.1 Start-Up
Organization Type
Private Company

Visit website
All or unlisted Domain, Dermatology
Main sector
Bâtiment SE-B, Route de la Corniche 5
1066 Epalinges / VD
021 693 68 39