Vaud: a CHF 90 Million plan to tackle the shortage of healthcare staff

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The Vaud State Council has drawn up a CHF 90 Million “far-reaching plan” to meet the challenges presented by the shortage of healthcare and nursing staff: the InvestPro programme will be based on training, promotion of the professions in the field and retention.
Demographic change, an ageing population and an increase in chronic illnesses are leading to a growing need for healthcare personnel. Some healthcare sectors in the canton are already suffering from a shortage, as the Conseil d’Etat pointed out in a press release on Monday.
By 2030, according to OBSAN, there will be a shortfall of between 2,000 and 2,500 nurses and around 450 care and community health assistants (ASSC) in hospitals, clinics, EMS and specialized institutions. It is therefore necessary to train more young people for these professions, and to retain those who work in them – in Switzerland, 42.5% of nurses leave the profession before retirement age, including 31.8% before the age of 35.
In response, the government has developed InvestPro in partnership with employers, training institutions and professional associations. This program proposes measures in terms of training and working conditions: wage increases, support for students and improved working conditions. It is a response to the federal initiative “Pour des soins infirmiers forts” (“For strong nursing care”), which was overwhelmingly approved in 2021.
The government has developed InvestPro in partnership with employers, training institutions and professional associations. The Conseil d’Etat will submit to the Grand Conseil a request for 46.8 million for a total financing of 90 million over four years.
Source: Press Release