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Wyss Center_Brain Monitoring

Wyss Center unveiled a new breakthrough in brain monitoring

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Research teams at the Wyss Center in partnership with, Inselspital unveiled a groundbreaking long-term EEG system that facilitates continuous monitoring of brain activity in real-life settings.



This innovative technology has the potential to revolutionise epilepsy treatment and advance understanding of various neurological disorders.

Current practice in clinical neurophysiology is limited to short recordings with conventional EEG (days) that fail to capture a range of brain (dys)functions at longer timescales (months). The future ability to optimally manage chronic brain disorders, such as epilepsy, hinges upon finding methods to monitor electrical brain activity in daily life.

Wyss Center research teams developed a device for full-head subscalp EEG (Epios) and tested here the feasibility to safely insert the electrode leads beneath the scalp by a minimally invasive technique (primary outcome). As secondary outcome, they verified the noninferiority of subscalp EEG in measuring physiologic brain oscillations and pathologic discharges compared with scalp EEG, the established standard of care.

Discover more about this transformative development.



Source: Wyss Center