7 digital health start-ups selected by the Future of Health Grant

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CSS and EPFL announce the 2nd cohort of the Future of Health Program
The Future of Health Grant (FoHG) programme of CSS and EPFL Innovation Park supports innovation in digital health. The 7 new start-ups selected from 96 applications will receive funding and expertise to accelerate the development of their solution.
7 start-ups selected
- e.rupt: App to overcome erectile dysfunction (Zurich)
- HappyGrandy: Platform for video-call via TV screen for seniors (Neuchâtel)
- HealthMe: Improved patient-doctor communication for better care (Martigny)
- Longevity Hub: Acting on lifestyle for better aging through an app (Lille, France)
- Onescope: Digital stethoscope for real-time diagnosis (Geneva)
- Ancora.ai: Recruiting cancer patients for relevant clinical studies (Zurich)
- YLAH (*): Interactive app for continuing psychotherapy between sessions (Bern)
(*) moves from Level 1 to Level 2
About FoHG
The FoHG program was created by CSS and EPFL Innovation Park. In addition to fostering the technological and commercial development of the selected start-ups, the programme grows an ecosystem of experts. All players in the healthcare system, large or small, recent or historical, are invited to exchange, in a frank and open manner, beyond the usual business relationships, in order to create useful and pragmatic digital healthcare and services.
The partners involved in FoHG bring their expertise to the start-ups. To date, they include Vaudoise Insurance, which awards an additional “mental health” prize, Pfizer, Ecole de La Source, Microsoft Health, Takeda, Zühlke, HE-ARC, Publicis Sapient, Hôpital de la Tour.
More information on future-of-health.org