HEIG – VD | Innovations in health care

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A brand new tool is available to map the organisational impacts
Innovation in health care is shaking up and revolutionising patient care and the organisation of care. A brand new tool is available to map the organisational impacts of these innovations.
This new innovative tool for the evaluation of healthcare technologies (HT) has been developed by HEIG-VD, IFROSS & HAS .
The COVID rapid tests were authorised for routine use to improve the efficiency of detecting infected persons, as laboratories were saturated by the number of PCR tests to be performed. Since then, the organisation of care has completely been modified opening the door for home testing.
Innovative healthcare technologies (drugs, medical devices or professional acts), (HT) whether connected or not, can have an impact on patient care by modifying the organisation of care. How to measure these impacts?
Today, new tool was created, depicted as a cartography, a map enabling to identify one or more impacts of a HT on the organisation of care. It also highlights the changes with the stakeholders involved in the care management pathway.
Manufacturers of drugs or medical devices or service providers as well as professional organisations developing new professional acts will be able to use this new tool. It should enable them to strengthen their lines of arguments, produce new and relevant evidences in order to better convince partners (e.g.purchasers, payers or health authorities) to cover innovative HT.
The organisational impacts (OI) of innovative HT have always been present, perceived and felt but remained in the shadows because they did not fit into any of the usual evaluation grids, for example clinical or economic evaluations. It has not been possible to define the effects of HT on a health organisation because no valid method exists.
This mapping is descriptive; it does not establish a score. It identifies the impacts of HT at three levels: the first level is the context assessment, identifying the impact of the new HT compared to current practice, when it exists. The second level describes different types of IO according to a detailed map. Finally, the third level directly highlights organisation impacts on stakeholders using the new HT.
The identification of OI types is particularly interesting because 16 different criteria are considered and grouped into 3 categories of macro-criteria related to 1) the process of care, 2) the required capacities and skills and 3) society and the community.
This new innovative tool for the evaluation of healthcare technologies (HT) has been developed by Caryn Mathy, PhD in Health Economics, Professor at HEIG-VD (Yverdon-Switzerland), Christophe Pascal, Senior Lecturer HDR in Management Sciences, Director of IFROSS (Lyon- France) and Isabelle Bongiovanni-Delarozière, project manager for the HAS (Haute Autorité Santé- agency for health technology assessment – Paris-France).
If you are interested in this topic and would like to know more about this new tool, please be aware that webinars are coming soon and contact : caryn.mathy@heig-vd.ch / aline.burry@heig-vd.ch
Summary & description of this innovation tool (in French)
HAS official guidance document: organisational impact map for health technology assessment’s pdf