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Deep Dive - Vignette

BioAlps Deep Dive


An insightful conference or workshop on a life sciences topic


Deep Dive events can take the form of conferences or workshops, with a theme on innovation, business development and services in the Health Valley. The theme is defined by an organization in the region that wishes to showcase its expertise and bring together experts on a specific topic.

Why organise a Deep Dive

  • Showcase your organisation expertise on a specific topic.
  • Leverage BioAlps’ network in the Swiss Health Valley to attract future prospects or partners.
  • The event is advertised on BioAlps communication channels (cumulative audience: 10 000 life sciences contacts in the region).
  • A post-event article is created and shared on BioAlps communication channels.


How to organise a Deep Dive

  • If you wish to organise a Deep Dive, email us ( and explain your project and needs.
  • We need at least 3 months to set up the event (1 month of preparation, 1 month to send the private invitation, 1 month for a larger communication).
  • BioAlps’ service is free of charge. The organiser will have to pay for the venue (if needed) and the networking apero at the end of the event.
  • ⚠️ This service is reserved to life sciences actors registered in Western Switzerland. 


Previous and next events

2022: Quantified-Self (Biopôle)
2023: Insurances for clinical trials (CHUBB), Challenges in ATMPs manufacturing (Biopôle).