COVID-19 Testimonial Series | SwissKH

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Swiss-made protective visor and door opening device to protect against COVID-19
The following article is part of BioAlps’ testimonial series and was written by Mr Bryan Gosparini, CEO at SwissKH. Our series aims to provide a platform for the different life sciences actors from western Switzerland, who are active in finding and developing solutions to fight against the new coronavirus, to share their experience.
The mission of SwissKH is to represent Swiss-made through precision, creativity and innovation. Know-how and innovation are the DNA of the company.
Presentation of SwissKH’s COVID-19 related activities
The company offers goods and services of various types.
To get started, SwissKH is an engineering office for the development of your solutions: mechanical, aeronautical, robotics and medical (special CNC machines, parts, systems).
SwissKH Sàrl also offers consulting services. The company offers its skills in management, mechanical engineering and Lean Management. It provides managerial and technical support in the development of your projects.
The company develops and manufactures its own products under the brands SwissKH®, Tripan® and Supercoup®.
Lastly, SwissKH is active in 3D printing in the medical field, in particular with its “Morphology” brand for the rapid printing of orthoses.
SwissKH’s multidisciplinary knowledge is a strength that is put to good use for the benefit of its partners and agents with the greatest pleasure.
Exogenous impact of COVID-19 on the startup
Impact on the startup’s activities
Requests for tenders and sales did well during this period. There have been changes in the products offered. We have created a protective visor against COVID-19 using 3D printing, an adult version and a child version. We also developed a door opener. Our virus protections products have been added to our online shop swisskh.com.
The development of a prototype artificial respirator was completed in just a few days. Reactivity, sharing and innovation are our values. This project was not for profit, we simply wanted to use our knowledge for everyone. We stopped the project on our side because there was no need in Switzerland, but the 3D was shared with engineering schools, research institutions and companies around the world: Turkey, Italy, Brazil, Mauritania, etc. The network developed was dazzling and the contacts made through the LinkedIn network, a magical impulse! And fascinating!
Impact on the startup’s visibility
During this period, our visibility increased significantly as we developed a product for the general public (the visor) as well as a solidarity network in order to offer the COVID-19 protective visor free of charge to Swiss medical personnel. SwissKH was featured on the RTS TV news for its action against the virus. Relations with our partners were strengthened and we were able to create new business links.
SwissKH in the future
SwissKH continues to develop its core activities of engineering, consulting and its various brands. Numerous new projects are in progress and the company is looking forward to expanding its activities in the medical field, particularly with upcoming products.
Endogenous impact of COVID-19 on the startup
With the new products offered, the company invested in new machines and had to quickly organise new efficient logistics to meet the high demand for COVID-19 protection products. We had to increase the percentage of our employees (for production) temporarily to meet the demand. On the other hand, training and engineering have been blocked, moved or suppressed temporarily. We hope that the situation will become stable again and that customers will be able to improve their production again with our products and custom engineering services.
Production capacity improvements and new products will remain after the COVID-19 period. And the new knowledge and the new network stays! What beautiful encounters.
Cantonal and/or Federal support measures | SwissKH’s feedback
Health measures taken by the canton of Jura are an example. They were responsive and, in my opinion, were able to take the right decisions at the right time.
For the confederation, the introduction of RHT and COVID loans are an asset. Our country’s economic resilience is excellent. In our structure, the hardest blow has been the problem of visiting clients to launch new development and engineering projects. Training has been postponed, so the recovery is currently strong for us. The RHTs have been called upon for the lack of work due to the cancelled or postponed trainings. If the money is no longer coming in, expenses are payable but reduce the company’s liquidity and thus kill its vitality or kill jobs. RHT has helped to bridge the gap. We used it for a third of the staff. My startup can therefore continue on a good footing!