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Fact-finding Mission-explore china

Fact-Finding Mission: Exploring MedTech in China

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Sign up now for the Fact-Finding Mission: Exploring MedTech in China on 3-9 November 2024.



Embark on an exclusive journey and explore China’s booming medtech and healthcare industry.

With China emerging as the world’s second-largest medical device market, the potential for growth and innovation is boundless. Swiss companies, renowned for their excellence in innovation and quality, are uniquely positioned to prosper in this dynamic landscape.

Swiss Centers’ comprehensive program goes beyond mere exploration, providing invaluable insights into key market trends and opportunities, while addressing critical aspects of the challenges and pitfalls.

The program includes:

  • Mednovation: A two-day professional medtech forum in Shanghai with industry experts and executives
  • Participation in the China International Import Expo (CIIE), including Incubation Booths to showcase your technology
  • Visits to leading companies like Roche China and Swiss SMEs in Changzhou
  • Insights into market trends, challenges, and opportunities

By joining this enlightening expedition, you’ll not only expand your understanding of the Chinese market but also forge meaningful connections with industry leaders, potential partners, and government stakeholders.

Secure your place today and embark on a journey of innovation, collaboration, and boundless growth.

For inquiries, contact Marketing Specialist, Angie Chen:



⏰ Next Application Deadline : 1 June 2024
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