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GGBa | 85 new foreign companies in Western Switzerland in 2020

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In 2020, 85 new foreign companies set up shop in Western Switzerland, supported by Greater Geneva Bern area (GGBa) and the cantonal economic development agencies. They plan to create 772 jobs over the next three years, with the largest contributions coming from Life Sciences (227) and Information and Communication Technologies (184). This robust performance is a testament to the region’s resilience and its strong appeal as a safe haven for investment, even in times of crisis and uncertainty.




Established companies by sector of activity

Micro-nanotechnologies & precision engineering: 8 companies, 49 jobs

Financial services & international trading: 5 companies, 41 jobs

Life Sciences: 19 companies, 227 jobs

Services: 9 companies, 70 jobs

Watchmaking, luxury goods, cosmetics & perfumes: 6 companies, 36 jobs

Information & communication technologies: 18 companies, 184 jobs

Energy & environment: 6 companies, 48 jobs

Other: 14 companies, 117 jobs

–> total: 85 companies, 772 jobs


Evaluation visits to Western Switzerland

93 companies from 21 countries visited Western Switzerland in 2020. This represents a total of 114 first corporate visits, with some companies visiting more than one canton. In order to circumvent travel restrictions amid the covid-19 pandemic, GGBa also organised virtual site visits and e-introductions for companies. Many took advantage of these new digital services. However, the figures only refer to companies that physically travelled to Western Switzerland for an in-person visit.




More information on the GGBa’s Annual Report (2020)