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Fondation Leenaards

Leenaards Foundation | Science Prize 2021

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CHF 1.4 mio for biomedical research in the Lake Geneva region


The Leenaards Foundation has awarded Science Prizes to two research groups based in the Lake Geneva region. The prizes, worth a combined CHF 1.4 million in research funding.

One of the winning projects, led by Prof. Grégoire Courtine, will investigate how to restore lower limb function in paraplegic patients using a brain-spine interface. The second winning group, spearheaded by Prof. Elisa Oricchio, will explore natural ways to prime the immune system to recognise lymphoma tumor cells.


About the Leenaards Research Prize

The Leenaards Prize for Translational Biomedical Research is awarded every year to between one and three research projects that bring together researchers from at least two different universities or teaching hospitals in the Lake Geneva region. Projects are selected because they use cutting-edge research to address a clinical problem in an innovative way. This prize also supports translational research projects that combine fundamental and clinical research in order to transform scientific discoveries into medical treatments.


Press Release