Multiwave Technologies partners with Aix Marseille University

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Multiwave Technologies brings to market a portable MRI device powered by metamaterial technologies and AI software. The partnership includes joint research and the financing of 5 portable MRI units to be deployed in medical and sport labs across Aix-Marseille University sites for research purposes.
Developing a new generation of MRI equipment… This is the aim of the industrial chair held by the Institut Fresnel in partnership with the CRMBM-CEMEREM and the company Multiwave Technologies, based in Geneva, which has just received support from the A*Midex foundation.
The 4-year industrial chair (2024-2027) aims to develop a new generation of ultra-low field MRI equipment that is lightweight, silent, transportable and low-cost.
The project is designed to bring together the strengths of academic and industrial partners around a common objective:
- The Fresnel Institute (UMR AMU/CNRS/Centrale Marseille) is contributing its expertise in the field of metamaterials for radio frequency waves and optics.
- Multiwave Technologies is contributing its expertise in the design of solutions and their industrialisation, including obtaining authorisations from the French National Agency for the Safety of Medicines and Health Products (ANSM).
- CRMBM-CEMEREM is contributing its expertise in the development of methods and applications in MRI and MRS, and in the precise identification of needs in the application fields.
The project has received financial support from the A*Midex foundation to the extent of €1,135,748 as part of the “Industrial Chair” scheme. Multiwave Technologies is contributing €1,498,574 to the project. The total budget is €2,939,982. The research will focus on brain and musculoskeletal applications.
Source: Aix Marseille University